According to some indicators, such as gender policies, including disabled people, carbon footprints, corporate volunteering, human rights and sustainability reports with the GRI and ISSO 26000 guidelines, Brazil is the most inclined country towards sustainability in Latin America, followed by Argentina in the second place. Each of these aspects has also specific indicators for the commitment and engagement with the interested parties, the economic growth, environmental performance, labor practices and work ethic, and performance indicators of responsibility to the development of products.
Growing with Respect
With this purpose, we assume the challenge to produce our products locally, employing over 16.000 people in all our units in Brazil and Argentina, contributing to the economic development of the region.
“Growing with respect” is our motto. For this reason, we promote a business strategy that considers the three pillars of sustainability; environmental care, economic growth and social development:
Economic Growth
This pillar is based on the profitability capacity. Over our accounting reports, we exhaustively detailed an economic sustainable growth for Dass.
Environmental Care
The Dass Group, aligned to its Health, Safety and Environment Policy (SSMA), is committed to ensure an effective management of the environmental aspects and to prevent possible negative environmental impacts of its productive process.
Our productive units have Sustainability Committees, aiming to look for new sustainable practices, such as:
- Reduction in residue generation, promoted by applying new technologies (for instance: laser cutting machines);
- Reduction in sending wastes to landfills by using the selective collection, partnerships with recycling cooperatives, reuse in the productive process, co-processing, among others;
- Water reuse (closed cycle) in the productive process;
- Use of Rainwater to flush toilets and gardening;
- Sewage exploitation (toilets) after treatment for gardening;
- Used solvents recycling;
- Gradual replacement of solvent based stickers to water based stickers in the production;
- Wood waste is reused for energy recovery, as fuel supply to boilers;
Social Development
In the social development subject, our human development programs achieve, not only our collaborators in a direct way, but also their children and the community itself, through structured and adjusted programs according to each local reality where the group is. By sport, art or study, Dass comes to all, increasing their appetite for their own improvement and quality of life considering their work and living community.
We seek incessantly to locate the community PCDs (People with Disabilities – MTB concept) to occupy position. Some cities come to the unavailability of those candidates.
One third of the employees are having their first job. This represented, at the end of the year, that around 3 thousand people are accessing the consumer market for the first time, through our activity.
Dass is an intensive workforce company and successfully complies its role as an access point for many Brazilian and Argentinean people, generating jobs.